Committed To Making A Difference In The Lives Of Our Clients

Significant Case Results*

Pete has been involved in hundreds of million dollar and multi-million dollar recoveries. In fact, Pete and Law & Moran have handled over 300 separate cases of $1,000,000 or more, 5 of which were separate cases exceeding $50,000,000, over 30 cases exceeding $10,000,000, and over 60 separate case recoveries exceeding $5,000,000.

$105,000,000.00 – Defective Product – The settlement was reached shortly before trial, which was represented to be the largest pre-trial settlement in Georgia history. The entire settlement was paid by the Defendant manufacturer and its insurers. The product was an off-road recreational vehicle, commonly referred to as a side-by-side. Plaintiff Roe, 45, was a properly belted and helmeted passenger in a side-by-side. The driver was operating the vehicle on a u-shaped track, which consists of a series of small hills. As they crested one hill, the side-by-side’s nose dipped down, causing it to roll over onto the roll cage, which Plaintiff alleged was a foreseeable and common occurrence. The roll cage collapsed, and Plaintiff Roe was rendered quadriplegic. Plaintiff Roe sued the operator of the vehicle and the manufacturer of the side-by-side off-road vehicle. Plaintiff Roe uncovered evidence that the Defendant manufacturer marketed and sold the product despite knowing the roll cage failed their own internal strength standards and testing. (2023)

$100,000,000.00 – Negligence/Premises Liability – Pretrial settlement with multiple defendants for a catastrophic burn injury following an electrical contact in an industrial plant. (2024)

$81,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – 12 person jury verdict for injuries to a Navy veteran who was robbed and shot multiple times at a Kroger. The jury apportioned 86% of the fault to Defendant Kroger and 14% of the fault to the two non-party shooters. The Defendants maintained adequate insurance to cover the entire verdict and the case settled while on appeal.

$72,960,000.00 – Premises Liability – 12 person jury verdict for burn injuries to a 53 year old man where his apartment exploded after he turned on the light at Defendants’ apartment complex. Jury found gas line was uncapped due to Defendants’ negligence. Jury awarded $17,900,000.00 in compensatory damages, $7,160,000.00 in attorney’s fees, $47,900,000.00 in punitive damages, and the judge added $561,640.96 in pre-judgment interest, for a total award of $73,521,640.96. After the verdict, the trial judge reduced the punitive verdict in accordance with Georgia’s punitive damages cap. The Defendants maintained adequate insurance to cover the entire verdict and the case settled while on appeal.

$58,469,702.13 – Premises Liability – 12 person jury verdict for injuries to a 47 year old man who was robbed and shot at a CVS. The jury apportioned 95% of the fault to Defendant CVS and 5% of the fault to Plaintiff, resulting in a net verdict of $42,750,000.00 in favor of Plaintiff. The remaining balance was interest and expense. Full verdict upheld by Georgia Court of Appeals and Georgia Supreme Court, and paid in full by the Defendant and their insurers.

$54,420,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – 12 person jury verdict for death of a 50-year-old woman killed by PFG Milton, Inc.’s tractor trailer. Jury awarded $10,420,000.00 in compensatory damages and $44,000,000.00 in punitive damages. $4,000,000.00 settlement offer from AIG and Great West Insurance was rejected at trial. Settled on appeal after verdict.

$47,082,972.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – 12 person jury verdict for death of a 35 year old man killed in a car accident on the highway. The jury apportioned 100% of the fault to the tractor-trailer company and their driver. (2024)

$27,827,249.48 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – 12 person jury verdict involving a tractor trailer failing to yield while turning left and blocking the highway. An oncoming motorist left the roadway. striking Plaintiff and causing serious injuries, including a below the knee amputation of his left leg. Verdict of $21,600,000.00 apportioned 99.99% fault to the trucking company defendants and 0.01% fault to the defendant driver who struck Plaintiff, remaining balance was interest and expense. Full verdict upheld by Georgia Court of Appeals and Georgia Supreme Court and paid in full by insurer.

$24,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Negligent security settlement for injury after being shot at a fast-food restaurant. (2024)

$23,250,000.00 – Construction Accident – Total recovery for 2 workers injured at a construction site when a crane came in contact with a live high-voltage power line. $18,800,000.00 paid for the wrongful death, and $4,450,000.00 paid for injuries to the surviving worker. (2022)

$20,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for a man killed while working at a commercial facility.

$20,250,000.00 – Product/Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for a woman killed while working at a commercial facility. (2023)

$20,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death settlement shortly before trial for death on interstate due to negligence of a tractor trailer. (2019)

$19,500,000.00 – Defective Guardrail – Total insurance policy limits settlement for woman catastrophically injured when her vehicle struck a guardrail in need of repair. After hitting the failed guardrail, plaintiffs’ vehicle flipped, left the highway, and was crushed by a nearby pole. (2023)

$18,866,292.44 – Fire/General Negligence – Settlement with various defendants for explosion and burn injuries to a 35 year old man in a manufacturing plant. (2019)

$17,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Negligent security settlement for a man who suffered injury after he was robbed and shot at his apartment complex. (2019)

$15,750,000.00 – Automobile Wreck – Result for significant injuries to a family.

$15,100,000.00 – Auto/Product Liability – 12 person jury verdict against drunk driver that ran a red light. Primary claim was for a young woman who suffered an A.O. dislocation, which is the dislocation of the skull off the spinal column and required internal fixation of the skull to the C2, C3 cervical vertebrae with titanium rods, clamps and screws. Case originally included product manufacturing claims against Chrysler and sub-component seat manufacturer, but Chrysler’s bankruptcy prohibited recovery. (Feb. 2010)

$15,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for serious injuries to a man who fell through a drop ceiling while working at an industrial facility. (2023)

$15,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Pre-trial settlement for a woman injured after a trip and fall at an apartment complex. (2022)

$15,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Recovery for a man struck by a commercial vehicle after he pulled over following a minor collision. Plaintiff sustained a below the knee amputation of his left leg. (2020)

$15,000,000.00 – Construction Accident – Lead counsel in a case for 15 workers injured at Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Firm handled only wrongful death claim for a man who fell from a negligently constructed walkway, and a variety of other injured workers.

$15,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Pretrial settlement for individual shot, survived two years, and thereafter died, in a negligent security type apartment complex case.

$14,975,000.00 – Product Liability – Product liability settlement for burn injuries to a child after the ATV she was riding in caught fire. (2024)

$12,050,000.00 – Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for burn injury at a gas station. (2019)

$12,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Pre-trial settlement in an intersection collision between two tractor trailers where one truck purportedly ran a red light. Disputed liability. Plaintiff suffered a brain injury.

$12,000,000.00 – Bus Negligence – Lead counsel in partial settlement with multiple defendants for several people injured in a bus accident. (2020)

$11,880,000.00 – Automobile/Medical Malpractice – Wrongful death settlement with various defendants for automobile collision in a construction zone on the highway, as well as medical malpractice component. (2024)

$11,000,000.00 – Tractor Accident – Recovery of all insurance policy limits for a man whose foot was run over with a 23,000-pound Telehandler tractor while working. (2023)

$11,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Insurance policy limits settlement for injuries to a teenager shot multiple times at an apartment complex. (2022)

$11,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for a young man shot and killed at an apartment complex. (2021)

$11,000,000.00 – Boating Negligence – Pre-suit settlement for injury due to boating negligence. (2019)

$10,225,000.00 – Product Liability/Automobile Collision – Significant pre-trial settlement in burn-related case involving burn injury due to an automobile collision.

$10,200,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Settlement shortly before trial for brain injury to a woman rear-ended by a tractor trailer.

$10,150,000.00 – Auto/Product Liability – Total settlement for accident caused by a car accident and a defective product. (2021)

$10,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Insurance policy limits partial settlement for a young man shot and killed at an apartment complex. (2022)

$9,302,500.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for an elderly woman struck by a tractor trailer after she pulled over to render aid for a prior collision.

$9,100,000.00 – Premises Liability – 12 person jury verdict involving lack of security for a woman raped by unknown assailant. Insurance company’s top offer prior to trial only $50,000. Verdict of $8,333,333.33 plus pre-judgment interest resulting in total award.

$9,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Record Georgia jury verdict for woman raped at an apartment complex due to negligence of owners and management. Settled on appeal after verdict.

$9,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Record Alabama jury verdict for woman raped at an apartment complex due to negligence of owners and management. Settled on appeal after verdict.

$8,600,000.00 – Movie Set Negligence – 12 person jury verdict – counsel for father of a stuntman who died on The Walking Dead TV show due to a stunt. Case still pending post-trial. (2019)

$8,575,000.00 – Automobile/Product Liability – Total settlement for family involved in a serious automobile collision. (2024)

$8,000,000.00 – Electrocution – Pretrial settlement for young man who suffered a severe electric shock injury while performing electrical work. (2018)

$7,500,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Settlement during third day of jury trial for middle age man injured in traffic accident.

$7,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Negligent security settlement for a man who suffered injury after he was robbed and assaulted at a hotel. (2019)

$7,250,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Pre-trial settlement in a tractor trailer wrongful death case involving an intersection collision where tractor trailer ran a red light and fatally injured a woman. Decedent had no dependents at time of recovery.

$7,000,000.00 – General Negligence – Total insurance policy settlement for a young girl who sustained third-degree burns to her scalp at a hair salon. (2024)

$7,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for woman raped at a shopping center due to lack of security and negligence of owners and management. (2024)

$7,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Policy limits recovery for a man who was robbed and shot at a hotel. (2023)

$7,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for an elderly man who fell while working at an industrial facility. (2021)

$7,000,000.00 – General Negligence – Policy limits insurance recovery for wrongful death of two young people. (2021)

$6,500,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Settlement shortly before trial for death of a woman who rear-ended a stalled company vehicle, which had a history of poor mechanical upkeep.

$6,200,000.00 – Van Rollover – Settlement against multiple defendants who provided an unstable vehicle to three individuals resulting in death and injuries.

$6,000,000.00 – Sexual Assault – Recovery for a sexual assault at an inpatient facility. (2024)

$6,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Pre-trial recovery for a young man who was robbed and shot at an apartment complex leaving him partially paralyzed.

$5,500,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Recovery for a man injured by a delivery vehicle that ran a stop sign. (2023)

$5,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery of all available insurance policy limits in a residential pool drowning. (2021)

$5,500,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death settlement for a 66-year-old woman killed in a collision when a tractor trailer rear-ended her vehicle. Defendant driver was believed to be on Facebook at the time of the wreck. Believed to be the largest recovery ever in the rural Georgia County.

$5,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Pre-trial recovery in a highly contested and litigated case where a man was robbed and shot at an apartment complex. Defendants blamed shooter and denied they were negligent.

$5,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for a man who suffered injury after he was robbed and shot in the head at a hotel. (2019)

$5,440,053.43 – Premises Liability – Partial settlement for a young girl shot and killed at a shopping center (all available insurance limits). (2024)

$5,400,000.00 – Boating Negligence – Insurance policy limits wrongful death recovery due to boating negligence. (2020)

$5,250,000.00 – Premises Liability – Confidential settlement for negligent security case. (2023)

$5,200,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle/Product Liability – Total recovery in a case involving injuries and death.

$5,015,000.00 – Premises Liability – Settlement for an elderly gentleman injured after he tripped and fell at a car dealership. (2024)

$5,000,000.00 – Premises Liability/Assault – Recovery for woman assaulted by a hotel employee. (2024)

$5,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for man shot at a shopping center. Lack of security alleged against owners and management. (2024)

$5,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Confidential recovery for woman assaulted at an apartment complex. (2023)

$5,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for a woman injured at a hotel. (2020)

$5,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Negligent security settlement for woman injured at a shopping mall due to lack of security and negligence of owners and management. (2019)

$5,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence –Settlement for significant injuries where a truck crossed the center line and struck a young woman. (2019)

$5,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Insurance policy limits recovery for burn injury to young man. Case settled one week before trial where Defendants initially offered no money, claiming Plaintiff was at fault.

$5,000,000.00 – Bus negligence – Pre-trial settlement for all available insurance limits involving a bus injury wherein Plaintiff was stalled on the highway and struck by a bus operator. This claim was initially denied by the insurance company, but after completing litigation process, insurance company paid all available limits. Case involved brain injury to middle-aged man. (Feb. 2010)

$5,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Confidential recovery for a man who was robbed and shot at an apartment complex; highly disputed liability.

$5,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for a young man who was shot during a home invasion at his apartment leaving him partially paralyzed.

$4,995,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for man shot at an apartment complex. (2024)

$4,800,000.00 – Sex Trafficking – Insurance policy limits recovery for 2 victims that were sex trafficked at a hotel as minors. (2022)

$4,408,641.60 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Georgia jury verdict for Indonesian student temporarily visiting the United States on a work visa. Believed to be the largest Georgia wrongful death jury verdict for a non- resident visitor. Pretrial settlement offer from insurance company of $1,000,000 rejected – verdict paid in full. Companion case settled promptly thereafter (below). Case resulted in a total recovery of over $8,500,000.00 for both cases after insurance company initially offered less than $1,000,000.

$4,300,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for a young man who was shot at an apartment complex leaving him seriously injured — declaratory judgment action filed claiming no insurance. (2022)

$4,275,000.00 – Medical Negligence – Full insurance policy limits recovery for death of a child. (2024)

$4,250,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for child and injury to a parent when their vehicle was struck by a commercial vehicle.

$4,250,000.00 – Premises Liability – Confidential recovery for a catastrophic injury involving a young child. Case involved negligent maintenance of a pool.

$4,100,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for Indonesian student temporarily visiting the United States on a work visa involved in a multi-fatality truck wreck. (See companion case above.)

$4,100,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Back fusion type injury to a man rear-ended by a tractor trailer.

$4,000,000.00 – Automobile/Dram Shop – Recovery for significant injury caused by a drunk driver. (2024)

$4,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for a 75 year old woman hogtied during an apartment robbery. (2018)

$4,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Wrongful death recovery of all available primary and excess insurance for a 59-year-old woman killed when her vehicle was rear-ended by a commercial vehicle at a red light.

$4,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for woman hit on interstate by a double tandem tractor trailer delivery service. Disputed liability and case settled shortly before trial.

$4,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Confidential recovery for an injury to a young child at an apartment complex due to lack of appropriate security measures.

$4,000,000.00 – Automobile– Recovery for death of a middle aged school teacher killed when a motorist crossed the center after allegedly suffering a diabetic event. Disputed liability.

$4,000,000.00 – Fire/Premises Liability – Insurance policy limits recovery as the result of a fire at an apartment complex.

$4,000,000.00 – Trucking Negligence – Policy limits recovery for family injured when a truck crossed center line and injured grandmother and others (Augusta).

$4,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery for middle-aged man hit by a tractor trailer suffering a subarachnoid brain bleed; only $32,000.00 of medical bills.

$4,000,000.00 – Crane Accident – Wrongful death recovery for a man killed by a 5 ton overhead hoist that fell off a beam while he was working. Disputed liability, including a claim of decedent’s own conduct.

$3,900,000.00 – Premises Liability – Negligent security recovery at an extended stay hotel for two residents shot and/or injured by a former resident of the hotel. $3,750,000.00 paid for the wrongful death, and $150,000.00 paid for minor injuries to another occupant.

$3,750,000.00 – Construction Accident – Pretrial settlement for young man with badly broken hip caused by the boom of a concrete dump truck.

$3,500,000.00 – General Negligence – Recovery for a client who sustained a broken shoulder as a result of a fall. (2024)

$3,500,000.00- Premises Liability – Confidential recovery for woman raped and killed at an apartment complex. Lack of security alleged against owners and management. Liability disputed.

$3,500,000.00 – Medical Negligence – Confidential recovery for serious injury.

$3,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for a young man shot by another resident while visiting his aunt late at night. Significant injuries to include partial paralysis in a highly contested liability case.

$3,400,000.00 – Automobile Collision – Settlement for significant orthopedic injuries where ambulance crossed center line and struck oncoming motorist.

$3,400,000.00 – Medical Negligence – Record jury verdict for 86 year old Korean woman who committed suicide after receiving negligent care, including a very rare punitive damages verdict in a medical case (punitive damages reduced per statute, and verdict affirmed on appeal).

$3,294,495.91 – Automobile Collision – 12 person jury verdict for an elderly man hit by a speeding motorist. Highly disputed liability wherein defendants and their insurance company claimed Plaintiff was at fault and offered only $200,000 during trial.

$3,250,000.00 – Tractor trailer negligence – Wrongful death recovery for 44 year old man killed by a food services truck. Highly disputed liability wherein Defendants and their insurance company claimed decedent wrongfully climbed under a tractor trailer to change a tire without telling anyone.

$3,250,000.00 – Premises Liability – Significant injury to young man injured in an industrial elevator accident. Disputed liability where Plaintiff was allegedly not observing all safety hazards.

$3,237,500.00 – Premises Liability – Confidential recovery for death of elderly man at a metro-Atlanta hotel with inadequate security;

$3,100,000.00 – Tractor-trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for intersection collision involving a train.

$3,017,500.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for a young man killed in a motorcycle collision when a county vehicle made an illegal left hand turn.

$3,013,500.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – 12 person jury verdict for death of a 76-year-old woman who rear-ended a tractor trailer parked in the highway as the result of a prior fender-bender. Insurance company denied Plaintiff’s $2,000,000.00 demand for all insurance policy limits demand for settlement – verdict paid in full after verdict.

$3,002,633.00 – Malicious Prosecution – Record jury verdict for a seventh grade child who was wrongfully profiled, arrested, detained and prosecuted by AMC movie theater employees.

$3,000,000.00 – Construction Accident – Full insurance policy limits recovery for a child killed at a construction site. (2024)

$3,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Settlement for injuries in a collision with a commercial vehicle that failed to yield while turning left. (2023)

$3,000,000.00 – Automobile – Insurance policy limits partial settlement for truck driver killed in a car accident on the highway. Case remains pending against tractor trailer defendants. (2022)

$3,000,000.00 – Construction Accident – Pre-trial settlement for man with broken leg after a tree fell on him at a grading site. (2019)

$3,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Policy limits settlement for wrongful death of a man shot at an apartment complex. (2019)

$3,000,000.00 – Automobile – Recovery of insurance policy limits for injuries to a family and unborn child. (2018)

$3,000,000.00 – Forklift Accident – Recovery of all insurance policy limits for a man whose foot was run over with a forklift while working. (2018)

$3,000,000.00 – Automobile Product Liability – Jury verdict against Ford Motor Company for defective seat which collapsed rearward in a rear-end collision, causing the death of a 76-year-old woman.

$3,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Significant injury to the right eye of a 4-year-old girl at Defendant’s retail premises. With recovery, the child was able to obtain significant medical attention and is doing much better.

$3,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Significant jury verdict for individual whose head was caught between the rear of a tractor trailer and a dock wall. Jury verdict represented all of Defendant’s insurance in a highly disputed case. Defendants blamed injured victim for putting his head by the wall, but jury sided with Plaintiff and made significant award.

$3,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Recovery for an intersection collision caused by a commercial vehicle running a red light. Injury: herniated disc.

$3,000,000.00 – Commercial Automobile Collision – Policy limits recovery for a family injured in Albany, Georgia for significant hip injury.

$3,000,000.00 – Premises Liability/Negligent Security – Confidential wrongful death recovery for a man engaged in an altercation.

$3,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for all available insurance limits for a woman who tripped and fell down a flight of stairs at an apartment complex. Disputed liability. Plaintiff claimed a brain injury.

$2,975,000.00 – Automobile/Dram Shop– Significant injury to a young man injured by a drunk driver. Recovery of primary and excess automobile insurance and primary and excess dram shop insurance.

$2,950,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for woman raped at an apartment complex due to lack of security and negligence of owners and management of apartments; highly disputed liability.

$2,900,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for a 63 year old disabled woman raped at her apartment complex due to lack of security and negligence of owners and management of apartments.

$2,900,000.00 – Tractor trailer negligence – Recovery during third day of jury trial for woman seriously injured after tractor trailer rear-ended her.

$2,900,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Settlement with various defendants for multi-fatality construction zone/truck wreck.

$2,807,989.06 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for “purported” illegal alien in a trucking collision.

$2,800,000.00 – Automobile Collision – Recovery for a variety of injuries/death in Alabama when a trailer separated from a passing vehicle and struck an oncoming motorist.

$2,780,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Total recovery for herniated disc and soft tissue injuries when plaintiffs’ vehicle was rear-ended by a tractor trailer on the highway. (2022)

$2,750,000.00 – Premises Liability – Pre-trial settlement for a man injured after a trip and fall on a temporary stage at a hotel. (2024)

$2,750,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Settlement for injuries in a collision with a delivery vehicle that failed to yield while turning left. (2021)

$2,750,000.00 – Sexual Assault – Confidential recovery for a sexual assault at a nursing type facility. (2021)

$2,750,000.00 – Bad Faith Recovery – Recovery against an insurance company for a family who had to sue their insurance company for gambling their personal assets by failing to pay their $200,000.00 insurance limits in response to a demand for settlement.

$2,750,000.00 – Tractor trailer negligence – Wrongful death recovery for gentleman with less than five years life expectancy left when his tractor trailer was struck from behind by another tractor-trailer on the highway, causing it to flip and overturn.

$2,750,000.00 – Automobile Product Liability – Confidential settlement for a defective seat that collapsed in a head-on collision.

$2,750,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery for orthopedic injuries in a motorcycle collision with a tractor trailer that failed to yield while turning left.

$2,600,000.00 – Premises Liability – Negligent property maintenance causing injury to several young women.

$2,500,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Settlement for injuries in a collision with a county vehicle that failed to yield while turning left. (2023)

$2,500,000.00 – Automobile Negligence – Settlement with one defendant for serious injury to a young man in a highly contested case. (2020)

$2,500,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery for an accident caused by a tractor trailer blocking the northbound, southbound, and turning lanes of highway.

$2,500,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for logging truck negligence and multi-vehicle pile-up. Plaintiff was a passenger and died upon impact. Insurance limits of logging truck obtained, as well as other insurance recovered.

$2,500,000.00 – Truck/Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for young man run over at Defendants business. Disputed liability where Defendant alleged Plaintiff was at fault for failing to lock out a truck he was working on.

$2,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for woman raped at an apartment complex due to lack of security and negligence of owners and management of apartments.

$2,500,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for under-ride collision where elderly diabetic woman struck a tractor trailer blocking her lane of travel. Insurance company offered $50,000 initially based on age, health and lack of income of Decedent, but settled one week before trial.

$2,434,600.73 – Negligent Security – Premises liability jury verdict of $2,200,000.00 for a man shot in the leg and $22,229.00 of medical expenses. Pre-judgment interest of $234,600.73 added by Judge. Settled on appeal after verdict.

$2,400,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for elderly gentlemen who fell down a flight of stairs at a supermarket and sustained a serious leg fracture and infection leading to partial amputation.

$2,375,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Injuries in an automobile collision with a pizza delivery driver. (2021)

$2,300,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Back fusion type injury to a woman rear-ended by a tractor trailer. (2020)

$2,250,000.00 – General Negligence – Settlement for a teenager injured when she fell at an amusement type park. (2023)

$2,225,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Federal Court jury verdict where defendant failed to yield at an intersection and collided with plaintiff’s vehicle. Plaintiff suffered a knee injury and was unable to return to work as an electrician. Verdict was apportioned 95% to defendant, 5% to plaintiff. Settled on appeal after verdict.

$2,150,000.00 – Defective Guardrail – Full insurance policy limits recovery for a young girl killed when her vehicle struck a defective guardrail. (2024)

$2,100,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery of all insurance limits for wrongful death of a young man shot and killed at a local business. (2018)

$2,100,000.00 – Trucking/commercial vehicle – Young man killed by garbage truck. Disputed liability wherein Defendant claimed decedent failed to wear safety equipment given by his employer.

$2,100,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Neck fusion settlement for elderly man hit by a commercial vehicle. (2019)

$2,022,500.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Policy limits settlement for orthopedic injuries in a collision with a medium duty truck that failed to yield while turning left. (2019)

$2,000,000.00 – General Negligence – Full insurance policy limits recovery for wrongful death of a woman who fell out of her wheelchair in a transit van. (2024)

$2,000,000.00 – General Negligence – Recovery for injury to a man working inside a concrete mixer. (2023)

$2,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for a man shot by an unknown assailant at a gas station. (2022)

$2,000,000.00 – Automobile Negligence – Confidential wrongful death recovery in a highly contested case. (2020)

$2,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery of all insurance limits for a woman shot at a gas station. (2019)

$2,000,000.00 – Tractor trailer negligence – Wrongful death recovery for 21 year old woman killed by driving under a slow moving tractor trailer on I-16. Total policy limits recovery from trucking company and driver.

$2,000,000.00 – Tractor trailer negligence – Cargo fell off of flatbed trailer striking passing motorist. Plaintiff’s demand for settlement was paid in full upon the completion of a two-week jury trial.

$2,000,000.00 – Medical negligence – Doctor failed to diagnose and treat a routine allergic reaction leading to death. Total policy limits of insurance recovered.

$2,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Negligent property maintenance causing death.

$2,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Policy limits of insurance recovery against day care after a child was dropped and injured due to soap application being applied to clean floor.

$2,000,000.00 – Nursing Home Negligence – Policy limits of insurance recovery against nursing home after 88-year-old woman died due to neglect.

$2,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Confidential recovery for a young man who was robbed and shot at a mobile home complex.

$2,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for wrongful death of a young man who was robbed and shot at an apartment complex; highly disputed liability.

$2,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – All insurance recovered in a highly disputed case involving a significant injury to a young woman in an automobile collision with a heating and air van.

$2,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Cervical disc injury to a woman in an automobile collision with a garbage truck. Disputed fault initially, but Defendants admitted fault after lengthy litigation.

$2,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Back fusion recovery for a man rear-ended by a delivery truck.

$2,000,000.00 – General Negligence – Confidential recovery for a child injured at a social event.

$1,985,000.00 – Fire/Premises Liability – Total settlement for resident and visitor injured in a gas explosion at an apartment complex. (2019)

$1,950,000.00 – Negligent Security – Rape at major hotel chain by third party criminal assailant.

$1,945,683.85 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery for injury in a highly disputed liability tractor trailer collision.

$1,937,500.00 – Automobile/Family Purpose Negligence – Very rare seven-figure jury verdict in Cobb County, Georgia against 16-year-old driver and her parents (family purpose doctrine) due to negligence of driver pulling in front of a motorcycle. Insurance company’s last offer before trial was $725,000.00. Case settled with no appeal.

$1,908,025.26 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Wrongful death settlement for an 80-year-old woman killed in a collision when an ambulance transport van she was a passenger in failed to yield to oncoming traffic. Defendants initially denied fault and extent of damages. Primary insurance paid limits left after other claims and excess carrier paid remainder.

$1,900,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Injury to a man rear-ended by a tractor trailer in a highly contested case. (2020)

$1,900,000.00 – Premises Liability – Negligence security recovery for a young woman assaulted an apartment complex based on various allegations of failure to maintain security.

$1,850,000.00 – Automobile Accident – Car accident involving a 17-year-old girl who drove off a newly paved road at an alleged high rate of speed. Decedent unable to re-enter the highway due to excessive drop-off. Claims included lack of striping, barrels and height differential in a construction zone. (Jan. 2010)

$1,815,000.00 – Premises Liability – Serious injury at store where a wall fell – policy limits of all Defendants.

$1,800,000.00 – Tractor-trailer negligence – Two tractor trailers collided causing injuries to professional driver. Herniated disc injury.

$1,778,925.60 – Slip and Fall – 12 person jury verdict where Plaintiff fell in a puddle left by a leaking air conditioner, resulting in tinnitus and other injuries.

$1,750,000.00 – Premises Liability – Settlement for a young man shot in a shopping center parking lot. (2024)

$1,750,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Partial settlement with some defendants for family involved in serious automobile collision; case continuing.

$1,750,000.00 – Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for a child shot at an apartment complex.

$1,750,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Herniated disc injury to a man rear-ended by a county vehicle.

$1,700,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery for an accident caused by a tractor trailer attempting an illegal u-turn and blocking plaintiff’s lane of travel.

$1,700,000.00 – Automobile Negligence – Representation of a young woman injured in single car collision that rolled over causing orthopedic injuries.

$1,700,000.00 – Slip and Fall – Settlement for neck injury after a slip and fall at a hotel. (2018)

$1,681,290.17 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Remaining policy limits and uninsured motorist payment after property damage paid in a tractor trailer collision involving a port-a-potty truck.

$1,675,000.00 – Tractor trailer negligence – Significant recovery for tractor-mower injury clipped from behind by tractor trailer on the interstate.

$1,600,000.00 – Automobile Negligence – Policy limits recovery for death and injury in a highly disputed car accident case.

$1,560,000.00 – General Negligence – Injury and wrongful death recovery for plaintiffs in a highly disputed assault and battery case.

$1,550,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Collision – Significant recovery after jury verdict of $1,200,000.00 for a 79-year-old man who was killed instantly by another driver. The decedent had no dependents, was not working and was in poor health.

$1,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for a minor assaulted at an apartment complex. (2022)

$1,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Settlement for leg burn injury to a man working at an industrial facility (2021)

$1,500,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for highly contested collision. (2021)

$1,500,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for a collision where vehicle ran out of gas on the highway. (2021)

$1,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Cobb County, Georgia jury verdict wherein Home Depot employee dropped a stack of plywood into a shopping cart, which in turn knocked over Plaintiff. Plaintiff suffered a cervical disc injury requiring surgery. Home Depot’s last offer before trial was $400,000.00 – jury verdict paid in full and case closed.

$1,500,000.00 – Tractor trailer negligence – Death and an injury resulting from a highly disputed tractor trailer collision.

$1,500,000.00 – Automobile negligence – Corporate vehicle struck and injured a child that allegedly “darted-out” in traffic.

$1,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Negligent security case where a young woman was assaulted because security gate was not operational.

$1,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – All available insurance recovered for death of a man shot by assailant at a store involving lack of security. Case settled for all insurance shortly after lawsuit filed.

$1,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for woman raped at an apartment complex due to lack of security and negligence of owners and management of apartments; highly disputed liability.

$1,500,000.00 – Sexual Assault – Confidential recovery for a young woman sexually assaulted by a private counselor.

$1,500,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for a man who under rode the rear of a tractor trailer entering the highway at a low rate of speed. Highly disputed liability.

$1,500,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for wrongful death of a man robbed and assaulted at a bank ATM machine.

$1,500,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Neck injury recovery for a woman rear-ended by a truck. (2018)

$1,500,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Neck injury recovery for a woman in an automobile collision with a tractor trailer that made an improper left turn. (2018)

$1,495,000.00 – Medical Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for an elderly man who fell out of his wheelchair while being transported by ambulance staff. (2022)

$1,450,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery for a young man who rear ended a tractor trailer. (2023)

$1,450,000.00 – Medical Negligence by Non-Doctor Assistant – Confidential recovery of all insurance for death.

$1,400,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for an accident caused by a tractor trailer attempting an illegal u-turn and blocking plaintiff’s lane of travel. Highly disputed liability.

$1,400,000.00 – Automobile Wreck – Recovery of all available insurance for injuries to a young girl who suffered a variety of injuries, and additional payments to her father and brother. (2018)

$1,387,500.00 – Forklift Accident – Insurance policy limits wrongful death settlement for an elderly man with one defendant due to a forklift accident and contribution from another defendant. (2021)

$1,350,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Settlement shortly before trial for woman injured as a pedestrian after being bumped by a tractor trailer. (2019)

$1,350,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery for a woman in an automobile collision with a tractor trailer. (2019)

$1,350,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for illegal alien shot and killed by third party criminal assailant at an apartment complex.

$1,325,000.00 – Automobile Wreck – Recovery for a man injured by another driver that ran a stop sign. (2018)

$1,300,000.00 – Automobile negligence – Fireman/EMT volunteered assistance at a collision and was hit by a passing car 15 minutes later – herniated disc injury.

$1,300,000.00 – Nursing home negligence – Negligent failure to monitor a bed sore on a severely disabled patient resulting in death.

$1,276,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Policy limits wrongful death recovery for a 72 year old woman involved in a collision with a tractor trailer driver that fell asleep and collided with a line of vehicles in a construction zone.

$1,250,000.00 – Automobile – Full insurance policy limits recovery for injuries to an elderly gentleman hit by a car while he was standing at his mailbox. (2024)

$1,250,000.00 – Boating Negligence – Settlement for injury due to boating negligence. (2024)

$1,250,000.00 – Tractor-trailer negligence – Record jury verdict against an armored truck company on a non-surgical fractured hip with $30,000.00 of medical bills. Full verdict plus interest upheld by Georgia Court of Appeals. Judgment satisfied, plus interest.

$1,250,000.00 – Automobile negligence – Corporate vehicle struck and killed oncoming motorist in rural North Carolina venue.

$1,250,000.00 – Premises Liability – confidential recovery for an injury to a man at an apartment complex shot by unknown assailant involving lack of security.

$1,250,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for death of a man shot by assailant at a convenience store in Savannah, Georgia involving lack of security.

$1,250,000.00 – Automobile Negligence – Policy limits of insurance for death of a man in an automobile accident.

$1,227,500.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery for a gentleman whose tractor trailer was struck by another tractor trailer on the highway.

$1,202,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery against owner and management company for a woman sexually assaulted at her apartment complex which lacked adequate security.

$1,200,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery for multi-vehicle pile-up on the highway. (2023)

$1,200,000.00 – Automobile Negligence – Insurance policy limits recovery for injuries to two pedestrians hit in a parking lot. (2021)

$1,200,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for a woman raped at an apartment complex due to lack of security and negligence of owners and management of apartments.

$1,200,000.00 – Tractor trailer negligence – Flatbed boom-truck struck and killed 79 year old woman.

$1,200,000.00 – Tractor trailer negligence – Commercial beer type truck pulled in to the path of plaintiff, resulting in badly broken leg.

$1,200,000.00 – Product Liability – Plaintiff consumed improperly labeled vitamin supplement, resulting in hair and nail loss.

$1,200,000.00 – Sexual Assault – Confidential recovery for a sexual assault. (2019)

$1,153,343.00 – Sexual harassment – Record sexual harassment jury verdict in federal court for Georgia sexual harassment claim. Highest offer prior to verdict was $30,000.00.

$1,150,000.00 – Automobile Negligence – Recovery for injuries to two pedestrians hit in a crosswalk. (2021)

$1,120,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for death of a young man shot at an apartment complex; highly disputed liability.

$1,100,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Full insurance policy limits recovery for a woman rear-ended by a tractor-trailer on the highway. Highly disputed liability. (2024)

$1,100,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for South Carolina woman assaulted in her apartment complex which lacked adequate security.

$1,100,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery of all available insurance in a highly disputed liability collision where insurer claimed Plaintiff was at fault.

$1,100,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Policy limits settlement for husband and wife in an accident caused by a tractor trailer attempting to merge onto the highway. (2019)

$1,100,000.00 – Automobile -train crossing – Intersection collision leading to serious injuries to young woman.

$1,091,421.47 – Automobile – Full policy limits and uninsured motorist payment after property damage paid for injury to a man rear-ended on the highway. (2024)

$1,075,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Insurance policy limits recovery for a man rear-ended by a tractor trailer. (2022)

$1,067,000.00 – Automobile/Dram-shop – Policy limits of bar and driver, as well as additional contribution for drunk driver and dram shop claim.

$1,050,000.00 – Farm Negligence – Insurance policy limits recovery for a death due to an automobile collision with a farm tractor. (2022)

$1,050,000.00 – Automobile Collision – Recovery for a person injured by a drunk driver. Insurance company denied coverage under an excess uninsured motorist umbrella policy. Case settled after court ruled for Plaintiff in favor of coverage.

$1,025,000.00 – Premises Liability – Full insurance policy limits recovery for a young man shot and killed at a gas station. (2024)

$1,025,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Intersection collision in South Georgia where tractor trailer ran a red light and struck a young motorist, breaking her hip. All available insurance limits recovered.

$1,015,000.00 – Tractor-trailer negligence – Under-ride collision with slow moving tractor trailer, causing injury to passenger of under-ride vehicle. All available insurance recovered.

$1,009,500.00 – Tractor trailer negligence – Under-ride collision with slow moving tractor trailer, causing death of driver who rear-ended truck. Policy limits recovery of tractor-trailer’s insurance.

$1,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for a man killed in a motorcycle collision with a commercial vehicle. (2024)

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for a young woman shot in a shopping center parking lot. (2023)

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor-Trailer Negligence – Recovery for all insurance policy limits for a young mother hit by a tractor-trailer while riding her bicycle. (2023)

$1,000,000.00 – Automobile – Insurance policy limits recovery for intersection collision caused by defendant running a red light. (2022)

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Insurance policy limits recovery for a child shot and killed at a mobile home complex. (2022)

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery for orthopedic injuries in a motorcycle collision with a tractor trailer that failed to yield while turning left. (2022)

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Policy limits recovery for a man rear-ended by a tractor-trailer. (2022)

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for a man who was shot in the parking lot of a grocery store. (2021)

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Policy limits recovery for a man shot at a retail store. (2021)

$1,000,000.00 – Forklift Accident – Recovery for a man whose foot was run over with a forklift while working. (2020)

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Wrongful death recovery for an elderly man shot at a retail store. (2019)

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Policy limits wrongful death recovery for a woman shot at a gas station. (2019)

$1,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Recovery of all policy limits for a mother and her 17-year-old daughter hit head on in a collision with a dump truck. (2018)

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Primary insurance limits recovery for a man shot in the leg at an apartment complex. (2018)

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Complete recovery of all available insurance against a night club with limited assets for a man who was shot in the parking lot; highly contested liability and litigated.

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Cervical disc herniation-type injury to a woman rear-ended in a multi-vehicle collision where a tractor trailer did not brake as traffic slowed to exit the interstate highway.

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor-trailer negligence – Rear-end collision with $850 of property damage to Plaintiff’s vehicle. Lumbar disc injury.

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor-trailer negligence – Wrongful death collision – policy limits of trucking company insurance.

$1,000,000.00 – Day Care negligence – Policy limits recovery for a young child assaulted by another child in an understaffed and negligently supervised day care.

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor-trailer negligence – Wrongful death collision – policy limits of trucking company insurance due to collision at intersection with flatbed tractor-trailer hauling sod.

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor-trailer negligence – Injury to two woman rear-ended by truck driver who tested positive for drugs – policy limits of trucking company insurance.

$1,000,000.00 – Dental Malpractice – Policy limits of insurance for death of disabled young man after dental procedure.

$1,000,000.00 – Boating/Jet Ski Negligence – Injury to teenage girl due to alleged negligent operation of jet ski.

$1,000,000.00 – Premises/Contractor Negligence – Policy limits of insurance recovery for the wrongful death of a 78-year-old man who suffered carbon monoxide positioning wherein Plaintiffs alleged heating and air company failed to detect a cracked heat exchanger.

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Policy limits of insurance recovery for injuries to a young man shot at his apartment complex where security was lacking, despite a significant history of crime against the residents.

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Policy limits of insurance recovery for woman raped at an apartment complex.

$1,000,000.00 – Sexual Assault – Confidential recovery for a woman sexually assaulted at a local medical provider.

$1,000,000.00 – Commercial Vehicle Negligence – Policy limits of insurance recovery for a gentleman who was injured when the assisted care transportation van that he was riding in rolled over.

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Wrongful death recovery for a gentleman whose tractor-trailer was struck by another tractor-trailer on the highway. Policy limits recovery of tractor trailer’s insurance.

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor-Trailer Negligence – Recovery for a gentleman whose tractor-trailer rear-ended another tractor-trailer driving below the speed limit on the highway.

$1,000,000.00 – Allergic Reaction – Recovery for all available insurance shortly before trial for wrongful death of a young woman who suffered a severe allergic reaction after improper food service of a dish that contained shellfish.

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for heating and air conditioning employee who hurt his knee after stairs separated from a wall.

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for family of young individual shot on a local train platform during a robbery.

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Recovery for music producer who was shot at a local hip-hop restaurant in the parking lot.

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Remaining policy limits payment after property damage paid for full limits of recovery in a tractor trailer collision involving a dump truck.

$1,000,000.00 – Automobile/Dram Shop – Recovery for significant injury caused by a drunk driver.

$1,000,000.00 – Premises Liability – Primary insurance recovery for a man who was shot at an apartment complex; highly disputed liability.

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor Trailer Negligence – Recovery in a collision where a tractor trailer crashed into a pickup truck that had pulled over to change a tire.

$1,000,000.00 – Tractor-trailer negligence – Policy limits of insurance recovery for wrongful death of 18 year old girl rear-ended by a tractor-trailer.

$1,000,000.00 – Farm Maintenance Negligence – Policy limits of insurance recovery for wrongful death of a man killed when his motorcycle struck a cow that Defendants negligently permitted to stray onto the public roadway.


We have handled over 200 cases exceeding $100,000.00; here are a few jury verdicts of interest:

$850,000.00 – Premises Liability Jury Verdict – Non-surgical pelvis fracture and post-concussion symptoms. Of interest: Plaintiff rejected the insurance company’s $45,000 offer to settle before trial.

$514,518.81 – Commercial Vehicle/Pedestrian Jury Verdict– Plaintiff, a very heavy smoker, was disabled before the event. Of interest: Plaintiff rejected the insurance company’s top offer of $95,000 to settle pre-trial.

$500,000.00 – Automobile Negligence Jury Verdict – Plaintiff, an unemployed 50-year-old man suffered a herniated disc. Of interest: State Farm offered only $200,000.00 and believed to be the second highest jury verdict in Newton County history. Verdict paid in full after trial.

$475,000.00 – Malicious Prosecution Jury Verdict – $155,000.00 compensatory and $320,000.00 punitive verdict. Of interest: rare jury verdict where jury found corporation had specific intent to harm Plaintiff, resulting in punitive verdict exceeding statutory cap.

$267, 200.00 – Tractor Trailer Jury Verdict – Torn rotator cuff. Of interest: Plaintiff rejected Offer of Judgment of $160,000- Federal jury trial.

$266, 000.00 – Slip and Fall Jury Verdict – Fractured hip. Of interest: Plaintiff rejected top offer of $25,000 from insurance company – Federal case.

$215,817.43 – Automobile negligence Jury Verdict – Disputed auto collision where my client had fractured toe joint. Of interest: Plaintiff rejected State Farm’s $40,000 offer (verdict paid in full). Insurance company paid more than double their insurance limits.

$212, 500.00 – Automobile negligence Jury Verdict – Torn rotator cuff. Of interest: Plaintiff rejected Allstate’s untimely $50,000 offer of $50,000 insurance policy (verdict paid in full within days of verdict, all paid by Allstate).


*These prior case results are not representative of the value of any other cases and no case results are guaranteed. Each case is different and the results differ based on the facts of the individual case. Also, some of the above referenced cases were handled with the assistance of co-counsel or with the aid of an attorney that hired our firm.